CoimbatoreTaxi News
The reasons of people like pigeon are:
1. People like pigeon meat
Undoubtedly, pigeon has good meat. In my opinion, pigeon is more delicious than chicken or duck. In Hongkong, we can order delicious fried pigeon.
2. The plumage is beautiful
Some pigeon has beautiful feather like fantail which is wide like chicken tail. I thought the owner arrange the tail from a drawing room.
3. The sound is nice
I like to hear slowly and smooth pigeon sound. The sound seems calm.
4. Caring is easy
Pigeon is hardy bird. We just give house and some seed to this bird.
5. They recognize the owner and house
They are easy to recognize the owner. My friend sold a pigeon to market. After one month, the pigeon come back to my friend's house.
6. We can send mail with pigeon
Pigeon was a post service before human found train, car, and ship. I saw in a film a pigeon help a battalion to get supporting.
7. Pigeon as hobby
Some people use this bird for hobby. They like release some pigeon in certain place.
CoimbatoreTaxi News